Parents who WFH are Superheroes

It's been a rough week

Parents Who WFH Are Superheroes

I don’t know how else to put it. Parents who learn to juggle work and life all in the same place are commendable.

**This is not a post about stay at home parents, who I believe firmly have the most difficult jobs on the planet. Just to get that out of the way right off the bat (my wife Courtney is amazing).

I’m still learning.

Granted my eldest is not yet 2.5 years old, but the amalgamation of work at home, life at home, family at home, all in the same place at the same time is a balancing act, and one I haven’t figured out perfectly yet.

A few things that have helped me recenter and prioritize my wife and my son in the midst of chaos.

  1. My family comes first. I say this out loud and regularly because it has to continue being true. If work becomes more important than them, everything is meaningless.

  2. I bought an Apple Watch with LTE recently so that I could leave the house without my phone to disconnect without being unreachable (particularly important when my wife is about to go into labor). Disconnecting is necessary and I fear too few of us find time to deliberately do it.

  3. Weekly family outings. We try to go on family walks every day, especially in Charleston where it’s nice year-round. But when I have a day off from work, or on the weekends, we make it a point to go out as a family for an extended period of time. Usually this looks like breakfast, some activity outdoors, and quality time being together without other distractions.

WHY am I telling you this?

Because of something I said to you in my last newsletter.

Write something — anything — and publish it today. Don’t overthink it. Don’t over-engineer it. Just say something and publish it.

Life has been extremely chaotic the last few weeks. But I wanted to take a dose of my own medicine and “publish today.”

So I took out my phone, set a timer, and started writing what was on my heart.

You might have noticed that I send this newsletter at odd times and without rhyme or reason.

I’ve operated many newsletters over the years (and some at this moment) that are on strict schedules. Fatherpreneur isn’t and that’s intentional.

Fatherpreneur is me. One part husband, one part father, one part newsletter operator, one part writer, one part beehiiv employee, many parts many other things.

There is a time and a place to go deep into a niche and create a small ecosystem that you own.

That’s not what I’m trying to do here.

With Fatherpreneur I’m trying to be myself. An outlet — somewhere that’s not a social platform where I can simply put text in an email and send out what’s really going on. Sometimes it’ll be super insightful, and other times it’ll be more vulnerable — a peek behind the curtain.

And that’s a wrap.

Under 20 minutes from start to finish. You can do this too if you simply make a decision and press send.

By the way, you can find me on socials where I post a lot more regularly (and a lot of memes and idiotic stuff too).

Until next time,


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