Three Ways to Publish More Consistently

Hey 👋

This is Fatherpreneur, the newsletter about newsletters that's written by a dad with a mustache who's been creating content for 10 years.

This newsletter will take 60 seconds to read. Clock starts now.

A few updates:

  1. My son walks now. (I’m not crying you’re crying) 🥲

  2. My mustache looks phenomenal

  3. I started an invite-only group chat for newsletter operators that is popping off

The enemy of progress is perfection. If you’re struggling to publish consistently (like me…), create a repeatable system to make pressing “send” as easy as possible.

Here are 3 ways to make publishing your newsletter easier:

1. Take notes constantly about what you read.

What you’re inspired by, ideas you have for your newsletter, and goals for your next publication.

Aggregating and repurposing content becomes 10x easier when you’re in a consistent flow of writing your thoughts down somewhere. Read and consume inspiring content. It makes creating much easier.

2. Build in public.

There is no better way to hold yourself accountable than if you start setting public expectations for yourself, and then communicate them to your audience.

Here’s my public announcement: you will receive an email once per week from me.

3. Curate your content.

There is no better way to become inspired than to read and consume a lot of curated content. You want to consume the best. Don’ doom scroll yourself into oblivion.

Get rid of things that distract you from being inspired.

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